Custom Web Design
Your Business + Our Custom Web Design = More Business Leads.
Our web design formula for building awesome websites for small business owners:

graphic design
web design
web maintenance
Web Design Customisation
The whole idea of custom web design is to have a website that is uniquely designed for you. We design from a blank canvas and not from any premade design set or niche theme. The end result is that your website will have a unique look and feel.
Bespoke WebPage Layout
We customise the layout of each webpage for you. The layout determines where the various components(images, text, buttons, etc) are placed on the screen – in other words, the layout determines the look and feel of your website.
For example, the contact form can be in the footer section of every webpage or just in the main body of the Contact webpage. The call-to-action button can be placed in the top section, middle section, bottom section of the web page or anywhere on the webpage. We place the content where you want them to be. Using a niche theme or a page builder design set does not give you the flexibility to move content around. The end result of a customised layout is that your website is one of a kind.

Customised Fonts & Colours
If you have own premium fonts, we can customise the website to use your own fonts. If not, you can pick from the more popular Google fonts such as Roboto, Open Sans, Montserrat, etc. Do note that not every fancy font can be displayed on EVERY mobile phone because the iOS or Android OS may not support the font type. For performance reason, we recommend that you use the system fonts.
If you have own brand colours, we can customise the website to use your colours to reflect your brand. As a value added service, we can apply different shades and opacity to your chosen colours to give your website a more subtle effect.
Tailor-Made For All Devices
Every website is customised for mobile responsiveness. The layout will be adapted for different screen sizes. On a desktop, your content may be divided into 2 columns because the screen is wide enough. If you try to squeeze 2 columns into a tiny screen on a cell phone, it will look awful. We customise the layout for various screen sizes. In this instance, we stack the 2 columns into a 1 column format – and do it intelligently.
What do we mean by ‘intelligently’? On the desktop, this section has 2 columns - we have text then image on the 1st row, followed by image then text on the 2nd row, and back to text and image on the 3rd row. If this is robotically changed into a 1 column format on a cell phone, it will appear as text, image, image, text, text, image. On a cell phone, it will be hard to work out which image is associated with which block of text. Instead we customise it to display as follows in 1 column: image, text, image, text, image, text.

Quick & Dirty Web Design
43% of the websites in the world are built in WordPress. WordPress comes with many niche specific themes to help web designers build beautiful websites quickly for various industries. For example, a café theme for café owner. A novice web designer just have to swap out the images and texts of the cafe theme with yours and voila, you have a decent cafe website. In essence, what you get is a theme, and not a custom designed website. The trouble with this approach is that all café websites created by your web designer(and other web designers) using this theme will have the same look and feel.
Nowadays, it is quite popular to use page builders to build websites. These page builders are bundled with design sets that cover a variety of industries. Novice web designers just have to swap the images and texts of the design sets with their customers’ images and texts, and presto, you have a ready made website. The 2 leading page builders are used by millions of web designers all over the world. Novice web designers who use the page builder design sets suffer the same fate as those using a niche theme. Their websites will all have the same look and feel. In other words, there is nothing to distinguish your website from the competition.
All websites at Web Design Magick are custom designed from scratch. Also we do not outsource any part of our website creation to some banana republic. Every website is built in Singapore. We are software engineers by training, but we are incurable web designers at heart. Every website creation is a labour of passion.